CHLA/ABSC is involved with several committees, acts as a representative on several committees, and collaborates with external affiliates. Agreements with affiliates and Terms of Reference for representatives and committees can be found in the Governance Manual.
CHLA/ABSC has a Zoom video conferencing account which is available to CHLA/ABSC chapters, interest groups, working groups, and committees to conduct meetings/work related to the objectives of the Association. The CHLA/ABSC Secretary is responsible for scheduling and will confirm availability in the calendar and provide the Zoom login information.
CHLA/ABSC currently has chapters representing 10 geographical regions from coast to coast. Chapter membership is open to any individual or institution interested in the aims and objectives of the Association. All officers of the chapter shall be current regular members of CHLA/ABSC. In an effort to further chapter development and communication, monthly conference calls have been set up between the Board and the Chapter Presidents.
When there is a change in the leadership of your chapter, please use this form to ensure that all appropriate CHLA/ABSC records are updated. Also, remember that all officers of the chapter shall be current members of CHLA/ABSC.
Please use the CHLA/ABSC Chapter Annual Report form to submit your chapter's annual report by January 31. More information for Chapter Presidents is available in the Governance Manual.
Terms of Reference for these groups may be found in the Governance Manual. If you are interested in creating an interest group, please consult the guideline below, and contact the Association President. The convenor for each Interest Group is responsible for submitting an annual report to the CHLA/ABSC Board of Directors using the Interest Group Report Template. Submit the report via the following form by January 31st.
CHLA/ABSC Interest groups are informal groups of CHLA/ABSC. The purpose of the Interest Group is to allow members of CHLA/ABSC who have a common interest in an aspect of Health Librarianship not covered by other committees and task forces, to meet, correspond and discuss that common interest.
Each Interest Group must have a Convenor. The Convenor is elected by members of the Interest Group at least every two years. The Interest Group may adopt other structures as determined by the members of the Group. Each Interest Group must have Terms of Reference, Goals and a statement about membership.
Any member may organize an Interest Group by contacting the CHLA/ABSC President. The President will bring the request to the Executive for approval. Interest Groups are provided with meeting space during the annual conference, space on the Associations web page and space in the Associations journal to communicate Interest Group news.
All CHLA/ABSC members in good standing may belong to an Interest Group. An Interest Group must have a minimum of three (3) members in order to gain the support of the Association. There is no limit to the number of members who may belong to an Interest Group.