Chapter and Interest Group Initiatives Fund
This fund provides a tangible way for the Association to foster member development at the local or regional level. The Board of Directors will determine the amount of money to be allocated for the coming year at each Fall Board Meeting. The Board shall review applications for the Chapter and Interest Group Initiatives Fund at the Winter board meeting and will award funds based on the funding available for that fiscal year according to the criteria described below.
Eligibility Criteria
The CHLA/ABSC Chapter and Interest Group Initiatives Fund will be awarded to Chapters or Interest Groups in good standing, whose projects meet the criteria for funding. While the former Development Fund allowed for direct application by individual members, only Chapters and Interest Groups are eligible for this fund. Projects funded by the Initiatives Fund should be new projects with definitive start and completion dates, or clear strategies for ongoing sustainability. Projects should be completed and funds should be spent within CHLA/ABSC's fiscal year.
Examples of such projects are:
- Chapter and Interest Group continuing education activities (e.g. development of courses and course materials, presentation of courses)
- Chapter and Interest Group initiatives of merit (e.g., publications, program innovation or evaluation, advocacy or promotional programs)
- Original research projects and studies sponsored by Chapters or Interest Groups which promote excellence in access to information
Funding will not be provided for activities that are considered "core" Chapter or Interest Group activities (i.e. development of union lists, web sites, membership directories, etc). CHLA/ABSC may however direct funds to national initiatives that provide all chapters and Interest Groups with the tools and resources to support such initiatives.
- The following expenditures are generally outside the scope of the CHLA/ABSC Chapter and Interest Group Initiatives Fund:
- Conference fees
- Capital purchases of equipment or software
- The application must be endorsed by the chapter executive.
Evaluation Criteria
All requests for funding from the CHLA/ABSC Chapter and Interest Group Initiatives Fund will be reviewed using the following criteria:
- Potential to improve health and health care by promoting excellence in access to information
- Potential benefit to the professional development/professional practice or knowledge base of the broader CHLA/ABSC membership
- Benefit to the Chapter or Interest Group
- Availability of local resources
- Use of innovative or leading edge approaches to education, collaboration, or service or resource development, provision or evaluation
- Commitment/contribution of the requesting Chapter or Interest Group to the project
- Previous receipt of CHLA/ABSC grants or funding
- Evidence of collaboration with other chapters/interest groups/associations/agencies
- Initiatives to support rural and remote librarians or libraries will be prioritized
Funding for Research Studies
Requests for research funding will also be evaluated using the following additional criteria:
- Quality of research design and evaluation methodology
- Ability of the research project leader to successfully complete the proposed project
- Dissemination strategies
Funding for Continuing Education Programs
Requests for CE Funding must provide for:
- CHLA/ABSC accreditation of the course if not previously accredited (contact the Director, CE for course accreditation guidelines)
- Reduced registration fees for CHLA/ABSC members
- Registration fees that are consistent with current CHLA/ABSC CE rates (currently $75.00 - $100.00 for members attending a half day course and $125.00 - $180.00 for members attending a full day course)
Online Application Form
Applications can be submitted any time.
Applicants must complete the application
form including detailed budgets and project timelines in order to be considered. A budget
template is available.
Applicants will be notified by the President of the disposition of their application shortly following the Board meeting at which the application is considered. All enquiries and correspondence concerning the award should be directed to the CHLA/ABSC Vice-President.
Other Requirements
- Recipients of funds will be required to submit a written report to the CHLA/ABSC Vice-President one month prior to each Board meeting during the life of the project, as well as giving a brief presentation, no more than three minutes in length, at the CHLA/ABSC Annual General Meeting at the annual conference.
- Within two months of completion of the project, a final report, including an evaluation of its success a final budget statement, and a project summary suitable for posting to the CHLA/ABSC website should be submitted to the CHLA/ABSC President.
- Chapters or Interest Groups receiving funds must also acknowledge CHLA/ABSC for providing the grant in all communications, advertising, publications, etc. about the project, and at any events (in-person or virtual) as part of the project. CHLA/ABSC Visual Identity Guidelines should be adhered to.
- Unused portions of funds provided from the Chapter and Interest Group Initiatives Fund must be returned to the Association upon completion of the project or activity for which the fund was supplied. The intended use of this fund is to support activities that Chapters or Interest Groups otherwise would be unable to carry out. If these activities in fact recoup their costs, any profit, up to the amount of the original funding provided by CHLA/ABSC, should be returned to the Chapter and Interest Group Initiatives Fund budget, to be used to support other projects.