Research Grant

The CHLA/ABSC invites applications for the CHLA/ABSC Research Grant before the February 1, 2024 deadline. Funding is contingent on the number of applications, and up to $2000 is available. If more than one application is successful, the CHLA/ABSC Special Committee on Research  will determine the allocation of funds per application. 

Applications shall be reviewed and awarded according to the criteria described below. Studies may not be retrospectively funded. The funds must be deposited by the successful applicant(s) no later than Dec 15th of the application year (before the CHLA/ABSC fiscal year end).

These funds are not subject to the indirect costs of research and therefore are not subject to any deductions normally retained under the program.*

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The principal investigator must be an individual CHLA/ABSC member in good standing.
  2. Applicants must not have received a CHLA/ABSC Research Grant in the previous three calendar years.
  3. Voting members of the CHLA/ABSC Board of Directors may not apply for this grant while serving their term on the Board.
  4. Special consideration will be given to research projects which:
    • are being conducted by hospital or special librarians.
    • represent collaborative research initiatives between academic and hospital or special librarians.
    • Are relevant to rural and remote libraries/librarians/library technicians.

Note: The following expenditures are generally outside the scope of the CHLA/ABSC Research Grant: 

  • Capital purchases of equipment or software

Evaluation Criteria  All requests for funding will be reviewed using the following criteria:

  1. Research projects which align with the vision and mission of the CHLA/ABSC
  2. Research projects which fill a gap in the health sciences librarianship literature
  3. Relevance of the proposed research project to the field of health sciences librarianship
  4. Quality of research design and evaluation methodology
  5. Ability of the research project leader to successfully complete the proposed project
  6. Clarity and appropriateness of the dissemination strategies for the proposed research project
  7. Special consideration will be given to applications demonstrating:
    • a lack of availability of funding from other sources.
    • relevance to rural and remote libraries and/or librarians (considered, but not required).

Procedure for Application

Applications for funds must be submitted using the online application form. The application deadline is 11:59pm EST on February 1, 2024. All applications will be considered after the deadline. 

Submissions are subject to peer review. To ensure a blinded review, do not include the author’s name or institution or any individually identifiable information anywhere in the application. Applications that do not meet this requirement will not be reviewed.  

Applications will be reviewed by the members of the Research Standing Committee and recommendations will be shared with the CHLA/ABSC Board. Applicants will be notified of the disposition of their application by mid-April, and successful application(s) will be publicly announced at the annual CHLA/ABSC conference.

If you resubmit grant applications, please submit both a track change and a clean copy of your proposal.


Other Requirements

  • Recipients of funds will be required to submit a written report to the CHLA/ABSC President 1 year after the applicant receives the funds.
  • Within two months of completion of the project, a final report, including an evaluation of its success, a final budget statement, and a project summary suitable for posting to the CHLA/ABSC website and/or social media must be submitted to the CHLA/ABSC President.
  • Unused portions of funds provided through the CHLA/ABSC Research Grant must be returned to the Association upon completion of the project for which the funding was supplied. If the research project is discontinued for any reason, the unused funds must be returned to the Association. Once awarded, any changes to the budget plan must be pre-approved by the Board of Directors. 
  • The Association’s financial support through the CHLA/ABSC Research Grant must be acknowledged in all written and oral presentations of the research.

* Indirect costs of research can include, but are not limited to: use, maintenance and upgrading of building space, utilities and libraries; administrative expenses; liability insurance; central technical support of labs, offices, core and other facilities; etc.  Each institution has different policies for indirect costs of research. These policies can typically be found on the institution's website.